Wednesday, February 9, 2011

In loving memory...

This was a video I made/showed at mama's memorial. YouTube may remove the music, in which case I'll try and find another site to host it. Hopefully this works for awhile. -Mike

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mama feels tired but better!

From Mike:

Hello all! Mama says she feels better - despite the chemo!

I can tell she is very, very tired from the chemo - it really knocks her on her butt but she is not too nauseated. The worst part seems to be overwhelming fatigue.

But her appetite is actually better, and she actually LOOKS healthier than she did before she started chemo.

I took mama and dad out to see the twins today just for a short visit because we missed seeing them this weekend... here's a picture from today. Mama and Amelia!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010


From Mama:

I just realized that I have been selfishly concentrating on mostly me, me, me on this blog . Not good, time to give credit where credit is due, okay?

First, I’d like you all to know that we recently were given the gift of a visit from my sister, Bertha, and her daughter Grace. That’s them in the Livestrong Pictures. They journeyed here all the way from New Mexico and stayed with me for 2 weeks. They cleaned, cooked and did yard work and most of all filled my home with love and laughter. What a wonderful gift. I hope you all realize that these gifts are answers to all of your prayers, and that I so appreciate you all.

My son, Michael, and my daughter Julia and their families have been without a doubt fantastic. Unselfishly giving us their time and energy. Driving us everywhere, coming to visit, never letting me give up. I never, never take them for granted and I thank God every day for sending us such wonderful children.

My friends, Suzanne and Ray, Lynn, Marcia, Hlynn, Gayle, Gale, Cecilia, the Snows, Monique, Mary Jo, Steph, on and on and on, to include my terrific coworkers—have all been loving, helpful, and caring. Offers of help continue to pour in, and today Lynn was so kind as to drive me to my chemo session in Tacoma. I only get to see her in the summer, so we decided to take advantage of her being in town and ask her to drive me to a couple of sessions. We usually spend time together walking around one of our many picturesque little towns, but this year she will be keeping me company at Group Health Tacoma. Thank you Lynn!!

My longtime girlfriend, Hlynn, travelled all the way from W. Va to stay with me for several weeks. She teleworks, so she brought her home office and worked in the mornings. Hlynn and I started a lovely quilt for my grandbabies, as well as planted flowers and dug weeds. She has a talent for design, garden or home, so she always leaves me bursting with new ideas for home and garden. I hope with all my heart that I will be able to go visit her very soon.

The Familia Guerrero, on Saipan, and the Familia Mendez in New Mexico—words can’t express how supportive they have been. Two of my normally incorrigable brothers, Tony and Charlie, are actually learning to email and keep me in stitches with their crazy stories and misspelled words!! The nieces and nephews on both sides keep the less technologically savvy members up to date, saving me having to write more letters and make more phone calls. Not that I don’t love cards and letters, I just have an enormous family!!! Cousins from my childhood have been writing too, and they all have prayer chains going that I am convinced have been instrumental in keeping me healthy and fighting strong. Love and thank you to each and every one of them, from sea to shining sea.

So how am I? I’m doing well, I think. Blood counts are good except for my hematocrit. If it goes any lower I think I will require a blood transfusion. We will see tomorrow. Today was the last week of this chemo cycle, the end of my second cisplatin cycle. I plan on asking my doctor if its time to do a CT scan and see if all of this is actually killing the tumor. More prayers please!!!

As you can see from my photos I still have hair—I guess I did not realize how much more hair I have than the average person. But I have received many hats, and they have come in so helpful, because my scalp is very sensitive and I need to keep the sun of it. I have lost some weight, but only about 10 pounds. My appetite is quite a bit better lately, and I have learned what I can and can’t eat. Nausea is under control and I keep y pain patch on religiously. As long as that keeps working, I can hang in.

I am loving teleworking, and really enjoy watching retro TV. Leave it to Beaver and the Andy Griffith show!! Whoopee. Also catching up on missed episodes of Star Trek, the Next Generation. Gotta love that.

Well, until next time, guys. Keep the faith and keep those prayers coming, they are truly being answered, believe me.


Monday, June 21, 2010

An emotional mama at the finish line! Love my mama...

Barely Movin'!

We did it! Team Barely Movin' completed the 5k walk as a part of the LiveStrong challenge! Surrounded by kids and mom's with babies, we brought up the rear and completed the walk just before the rain set in. Our team was made up of my aunt Bertha, cousin Gracie, Julia (with the babies) and Matthew.

The walk was basically around the Seattle Center/Lower Queene Anne area - a nice part of town. We managed the whole route without incident which as you know is a feat for our family. The experience was very emotional, and many riders/walker/runners were participating in memory of friends and family or were cancer survivors - which was so awesome to see - we have hope! After the walk, we hit Julia's for brunch where mama almost finished an entire breakfast - definitely a good sign!

I think mama felt very fatigued from chemo on Wednesday which included Cisplatin - the worst in terms of causing nausea and fatigue. But she insisted, persisted and she did it!